Continuous process of currency exchange is determined by a large variety of causes starting from terms of payment for contracts, made by transnational corporations till receiving of bank credit on lower interest rates.
A unique telecommunication network has been formed because of constant need of currency exchange. It gives a possibility to million currency sellers and buyers to carry out swap twenty four hours a day from any part of the word.
Total of conversion operations on currency exchange in the word was called FOREX (Foreign Exchange Market).
During the process of formation of foreign exchange market a new kind of business appeared that was based on making profit from currency difference in the conditions of free and constant changes of exchange rates. Change of exchange rates is determined by different market conditions and regulated only by demand and supply. Investors that carry out such operations are called traders.
At present everybody can test oneself as the trader in the foreign exchange market. It is possible to start the career of trader at any age. Education and experience of previous work do not have such influence to trader's success as inborn analytic abilities and skills to feel the market behaviour in some degree.